
【音声解説講座】第57話 emダッシュ記号の処理上の注意点
「課題文」 The Supreme Court signaled Thursday it is poised to back former President Donald Trump and fend off a blockbuster challenge to his eligibility to appear on Colorado’s ballot, potentially by a wide margin. During more than two ho…
The Supreme Court signaled Thursday it is poised to back former President Donald Trump and fend off a blockbuster challenge to his eligibility to appear on Colorado’s ballot, potentially by a wide margin. During more than two hours of argu…
【音声解説講座】 第56話:カンマ記号の多様な用法
「課題文」 For weeks, Donald J. Trump has romped through Iowa and New Hampshire without breaking a sweat, muscling out rivals for the Republican nomination and soaking up adoration from crowds convinced he will be the next president of the…
「課題文」 The two Republicans vying to become the top alternative to former President Donald Trump in the party’s 2024 presidential primary spent their one-on-one CNN debate Wednesday night in Des Moines, just five nights from the Iowa ca…
「課題文」 It has been obvious for months that politics and the law were going to bump into one another in the 2024 campaign, given the double role that former President Donald J. Trump has been playing as a criminal defendant and leading …
【音声解説講座】第53話:one sentence内の複数の従属接続詞や関係詞の扱い方
「課題文」 The U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps said on Wednesday that they were grounding their fleets of Ospreys after a preliminary investigation found that a problem with the aircraft may have caused a crash last week off Japan th…
「課題文」 When it was all said and done, the deal to release some of the hostages held by Hamas came down to two critical phone calls ultimately forcing each side to make a tough concession. The Israelis were insisting that it was not eno…
「課題文」 Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana won election on Wednesday to become the 56th speaker of the House of Representatives, as Republicans worn down by three weeks of infighting and dysfunction turned to a little-known conser…
【音声解説講座】第49話:名詞(所有格・目的格)と直後の動名詞との関係 課題と訳例(抜粋)
「課題文」 After President Biden’s remarks earlier today, an administration official told CNN neither Biden nor the administration have seen pictures or confirmed reports of children or infants beheaded by Hamas. The official clarified tha…
「課題文」 Russia released new videos on Wednesday of a Russian admiral whom Ukraine claimed to have killed, with the footage showing him apparently alive and well, hoisting a trophy into the air to celebrate a soccer victory and stoically…